The Youth and Family Ministry Team Needs You!
March 25, 2009 by admin
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Get Involved, Sunday School
Do you…
have youth, like youth, hope to have youth someday, know a youth, or even seen a youth before?
Good, because we need you! The Youth and Family Ministry Team is looking for people like you who care about our youths’ futures and would like to invest in their lives. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the team, please contact the church office, or join us at our next meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Our Savior’s Polo Shirts for Sale
March 25, 2009 by admin
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Fundraiser
Incorporating our beautiful new church logo, these shirts are fine quality 65% poly/35% cotton collared polo shirts that should not shrink. In men’s sizing, S, M, L, XL and XXL, each size comes in a variety of colors. When colors sell out, we will take orders for more, which will arrive shortly. The cost is $20, and the money goes to our youth heading to the Youth Gathering in New Orleans. These will make wonderful gifts and be a great outreach for our church as well. They are available in the church office during business hours.
Acolyte Substitutions
March 13, 2009 by admin
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School
If confirmation students are unable to acolyte on their assigned Sunday, we ask that they try to find someone to switch with or to substitute for them. If they are not able to find someone, they should contact Sue Staples or the church office no later than the Wednesday before they are to serve. The church has contact information to help them reach another confirmand. Thank you!