Sunday School Snacks Needed

September 30, 2011  
Filed under Education, Sunday School

We are looking for donations of packaged snacks to be used during Sunday School. We’d like to model healthy eating choices, so if donations could include low-sugar items such as graham crackers, animal crackers, nut-free granola bars, snack crackers, pretzels, etc., we would really appreciate it! Please place all items in orange bags labeled “Sunday School Snacks”.

Thank you for your support! Any questions, contact Stefanie VanZee.

October Book Club Selection: Sarah’s Key

September 28, 2011  
Filed under Book Club, Uncategorized

Our book to read for October is Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. In the summer of 1942, the French police arrested thousands of Jewish families and held them outside of Paris before shipping them off to Auschwitz. On the 60th anniversary of the roundups, an expatriate American journalist covering the atrocities discovers a personal connection – one such family formerly occupied her apartment. She resolves to find out what happened to Sarah, the 10-year-old daughter, who was the only family member to survive… De Rosnay’s novel is captivating, and the powerful narration gives it even greater impact. (From Publisher’s Weekly).

Discussion date TBA.

Fall Rummage Sale on Oct. 6th-7th

September 28, 2011  
Filed under Ministries, WELCA

The Fall Rummage Sale is coming up! Set up days are Monday through Wednesday, October 3rd through 5th. The sale is on Thursday, October 6th from 8 am to 6 pm and Friday, October 7th from 8 am to 1 pm. We will need help (and trucks) on Friday to box up and haul leftover items to Goodwill. If you have any questions, call Doris Modahl.

Watch the OSLC 150th Anniversary Video

September 24, 2011  
Filed under 150th Anniversary, Uncategorized, Worship

If you missed the wonderful video that was presented at Our Savior’s 150th Anniversary Celebration, or if you would just like to see it again, watch it here:

Our Saviors 150th Anniversary Celebration from Andrew Stutesman on Vimeo.

Rally Sunday 2011 is September 18th

September 1, 2011  
Filed under Uncategorized

Summer may be winding down and we will soon be living “Back to School”, but there’s also ANOTHER great “Back to…” that occurs this time each year. “BACK-TO-CHURCH … SUNDAY SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION/YOUTH GROUP”.

For many of you this is no “Back to… ” at all. You never miss a Sunday. But for many of us, this is kind of a “New Year” with hopeful resolutions for a shift back into “The Spiritual Lane.” For some children, youth, and adults this might even be a FIRST TIME to encounter the “good stuff” church has to offer. Whatever your situation … WELCOME! Our doors and hearts are OPEN! Please “make yourselves at home”. You’ll be glad you did!

Please join us Sunday, September 18th for Rally Sunday. This will be a time to register for Sunday School and Confirmation, meet the teachers/leaders and participate in a fun activity. Registration will be held in the Fellowship Hall, after worship. We do not have a registration fee for Sunday School/Confirmation/Youth Group, but have a “Gathering Supplies Tree” for needed items. Come take a look Rally Sunday at the “leaves” and see where you might be able to help out, sign up to bring a snack, or chaperone.

If you have a question or concern, please feel free to contact Jessica. Welcome back!

2011 Confirmation Orientation is September 7th

September 1, 2011  
Filed under Confirmation, Education

All incoming 3rd-9th graders and their parent/guardians are invited to attend Confirmation Orientation for the 2011-12 program year on Wednesday, September 7th. 3rd-5th grades will meet from 6:30-7:30pm, and 6th-9th grades will meet from 7:30-8:30pm in the sanctuary.

We will orient you to the program and answer any questions. Please bring your calendars with you so you can sign up that night for service electives and acolyte dates throughout the confirmation year. If you are unable to attend the orientation please set up a time to meet with Jessica to receive the necessary information.

Help The Salvation Army Send Kids Back to School

August 5, 2011  
Filed under Get Involved

The La Crosse Salvation Army needs help to send needy kids back to school in new clothing. Only 114 of the 325 students who registered for a new outfit have been sponsored. Those donating are asked to provide a shirt, shoes and slacks or jeans for each child.

Donations will be accepted through Aug. 18th. Sponsors will be matched with a child and will learn the student’s first name, age, size and color preferences. For those who don’t like to shop, gift cards and cash donations also are accepted. For more information, call Connie Houdek at (608) 782-6126.

Bible Sunday 2011 is September 11th

July 28, 2011  
Filed under Confirmation, Sunday School, Worship

Our three-year-olds and third grade Sunday school students will be receiving age-appropriate Bibles during worship on Sunday, Sept. 11th.

Bible Sunday is a very important part of our ministry to teach the faith to the children of Our Savior’s. It is important because we teach that growing in our faith is an ongoing process and is much deeper than what can be learned during the sermon and at worship services. As Christians, our faith journey is never complete for we are always learning more about our Lord and faith through life-long experiences and growth.

When a child receives their own Bible, it helps grow a passion for learning more about Jesus and his teachings. When children begin reading their Bible, they are changed. They begin speaking about their faith and become closer to God.

Bible Sunday is a life-changing event for many families. Parent/guardians are an integral part of the ceremony and personally hand the Bible to their child completing a promise made at baptism to place in their hands the holy scriptures. The Bibles are a gift from the congregation to assist parents and guardians in keeping the promises made in baptism.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Zinniel, Sunday School Superintendent.

Mission Trip 2011 Celebration on August 14th

July 28, 2011  
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School

On Sunday, August 14th, come and hear stories from the chaperones and youth that participated in the week long mission trip to Daytona Beach, Florida.

This amazing group of youth will be presenting during worship about their trip and how they grew closer to God and each other. There will also be time to say “thanks” for the prayers, support, and encouragement from the OSLC congregation and a chance to see pictures first hand.

Blessing of Backpacks/Bags on Aug. 28th

July 28, 2011  
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School, Worship

On Sunday, August 28th, we will celebrate a Blessing of the Backpacks/Bags during our 9:00am worship. This is a special day when we pray for our schools and lift up students, parents/guardians, teachers, administrators and all school staff in prayer.

Please plan on being with us! You are welcome to bring your backpacks, briefcases, laptops, diaper bags, or other work-related things with you to church. Teachers, don’t forget to bring your 2010-2011 school rosters.

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