Fair Trade/Equal Exchange Coffee Available in July
June 23, 2009
Filed under Social Ministries, Uncategorized
We will begin ordering coffee from Fair Trade/Equal Exchange through Lutheran World Relief in July. Dan Lintin will take personal orders on July 5th and July 19th and place the order July 20th. For those wishing to order a case of coffee, usually 6 bags to a case, you can order a variety of flavors (Dan will have the order form for you to peruse).
For those wishing to order individual bags, the following flavors will be available:
Whole Bean Organic Mind, Body and Soul ($5.65/bag)
Whole Bean Organic Decaf CO2 ($6.65/bag)
Drip Grind Tanzanian Jubilee ($5.15/bag)
Drip Grind Decaf Colombian CO2 ($6.15/bag)
Payment is due upon delivery. Thank you!
Dorcas Annual Picnic on July 1st
June 19, 2009
Filed under Dorcas, Ministries
July means picnic time! Dorcas will be having their annual picnic on Wednesday, July 1st at 6:30pm (note time change) in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome, so come join us for an evening of fun. Please bring a dish to pass and a “white elephant” prize for Bingo. Beverage and table service will be provided.
Mike Esser Accepts New Position in Des Moines
Mike Esser, who has been the OSLC Choir Director since 1994, has accepted a new position at Valley High School in West Des Moines, IA. A potluck, planned by the choir, will be Sunday June 28, 4 p.m. at the Ender cabin in Ridgeway, MN.
If you would like to send a card to Mike, please send them in care of Our Savior’s to the church’s address.
OSLC Book Club Selection for June: Three Cups of Tea
June 5, 2009
Filed under Book Club
Our June book for the OSLC Book Club is, “Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time,” by Greg Mortenson. More information is available on the Three Cups of Tea website.
For children interested in reading about Mortenson, there is a Young Readers edition of the book appropriate for grades 4-8, and also a picture book based on the book titled, “Listen to the Wind,” for grades 1-3. We will meet for our book discussion and a cup of tea on Tuesday, June 16th in the Fellowship Hall. You are welcomed to attend even if you haven’t finished reading the book.
The book for our July discussion will be, “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow.
Sponsor-A-Meal is the Perfect Gift
May 30, 2009
Filed under Come For Supper, Fundraiser, Social Ministries
Do you need that perfect graduation or wedding gift? Why not “Sponsor-A-Meal” in honor of your recipient(s)? We have exciting new levels to satisfy that perfect need. Look for the table just outside the fellowship hall doors for more information and details to make that special event perfect!
Church in the Park June 14th
May 30, 2009
Filed under Worship
Sunday, June 14th our 9 a.m. worship service will be held at Riverside Park in the bandshell area. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us “down by the riverside” for worship led by a worship band of Our Savior’s members against the backdrop of the Mighty Mississippi!
Should there be strong winds or threat of rain, we will worship as normal in our church. You can call our church number next Sunday (782-3468) and press option #2 “Activities This Week” for any updated information about where the service will be held.
After worship we invite you to stay at the bandshell for coffee fellowship and goodies provided by our Membership and Worship Committee.
All are welcome!
Gospel According to The Chronicles of Narnia in July
May 30, 2009
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School
Come immerse yourself in a world of mythical creatures, talking beavers and an evil White Witch that kept her world in a perpetual winter while discovering the basic concepts of Christianity: sin, betrayal, sacrifice, forgiveness, redemption, unity, and the battle of good versus evil.
Sundays in July after worship in the Gathering Room.
Take a Break From the Sun at our Summer Fun Splash Parties
May 30, 2009
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School
Come participate in Slip ‘n’ Slide races, a water balloon toss, and spray bottles battles this summer on June 28th and August 23rd after worship on the front lawn. Don’t forget your swim suit! All are welcome.
This event is sponsored by Youth and Family Ministry.
Next WELCA Meeting June 18th
May 30, 2009
Filed under Ministries, WELCA
WELCA will meet on Thursday, June 18th at 1:30 pm. Our program is music by Lizz Kjos. Servers are Bev Sanborn, Mildred Kneesel, Vera Wensole, Martha Sesvold, Charlotte Duresky. Contributing Members are Nancy Klapper and Marge Dobbs.
All ladies of the church are welcome!
Join the Men’s Group at a Logger Game
May 30, 2009
Filed under Uncategorized
The Men’s Group will be going to a Logger’s game on Thursday, June 18. The game
begins at 7:05pm. Tickets at $6 each.
Contact the church office for more information!