WELCA Meeting on August 20th
July 29, 2009
Filed under Ministries, Uncategorized, WELCA
The next WELCA meeting will be August 20th at 1:30 p.m. We will be showing the video, Women of the E.L.C.A. Servers are Doris Modahl, Ardis Bolstad, Janice Beeler, Marie Beissel, Ruth West, and Ruth Peshak. Contributing members are Delilah Wehrs and Lois Nelson.
All ladies of the church are welcome!
2010 Peru Delegation Applications Available
July 25, 2009
Filed under Uncategorized
Apply now to be part of the next Synod Delegation to our companion church in Peru (July 2010). Applications are available on the synod website or contact the Synod Office or the church office.
Applications are due August 1.
Help Send Our Youth to New Orleans
July 17, 2009
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Fundraiser, Get Involved
Help send our Youth to New Orleans in two special ways!
In Jackson Square, the crossroads of New Orleans’ French Quarter, there will be a big kettle to fill with quarters. Our goal as an ELCA Youth Gathering is a ONE MILLION DOLLAR offering to combat hunger. That equals $30 per youth attendee. Thank you for your gifts this Sunday!
Could you be a prayer partner for one of our youth (Nylan Hynek, Tom Dereszynski, Ariel Watson, Brittney Dolan, Elise Hynek, and Brittany Taylor)? We ask for members to send the group, along with adult leaders Jessica Zinniel and Pastor Jolivette, with daily prayers. Put your name and prayer partner on a pew card on Sunday, and remember to read our blog, which will be updated daily on our website. Thank you!
Golfers and Sponsors Needed for Sugar Creek Golf Scramble
July 8, 2009
Filed under Uncategorized
Sugar Creek Bible Camp is holding a fun 18 hole, 4 person best ball golf scramble at Deer Valley Lodge and Golf on July 20th with shot gun start at 11:00 am.
Your day will include:
- 18 Hole 4 Person Best Ball Scramble
- Golf cart included
- free donuts, coffee and juice in morning
- Goodie Prize bag for each golfer at registration
- Hole prizes/events
- Dinner
We still have openings for your team, or if you are a single we will put you with others. This is a great event to come out to and support Sugar Creek with friends and family while having fun. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t swung your clubs yet this year or in 5 years, we have a spot for you!
We Also Need Sponsors!
Another way to support this event is as a Hole Sponsor, Prize Sponsor or Corporate Sponsor.
- Hole Sponsor $100
- Prize Sponsor $50
- Hole and Prize $150
- Corporate Sponsor $300
Download a registration form if interested in joining in the fun!
Prayer Shawls Needed For August Assembly
July 3, 2009
Filed under Get Involved
Looking for something to keep hands busy at productive work? Looking to contribute to the work of Goodsoil at the upcoming churchwide assembly? You can contribute significantly to the advocacy and graceful engagement work at the ELCA churchwide assembly by providing a prayer shawl.
These shawls will be for use in the chapel area and to remind participants to prayerfully consider every issue. The shawls can be quilted, woven, crocheted, or knit. The size should be about 72″ x 18″. The design is left up to the person creating the piece.
Project/pattern information is available at goodsoil.org.
Free Hymnals at Coffee Fellowship July 5th and July 12th
July 3, 2009
Filed under Worship
We are planning on creating an office space in the library for our new intern. The “With One Voice” and “Lutheran Book of Worship” hymnals currently occupy a lot of space in this room. Anyone who is interested in keeping a memento hymnal may pick one up at Coffee Fellowship on July 5th or July 12th.
AMOS Food Insecurity Task Force Meeting on July 7th
June 23, 2009
Filed under AMOS, Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries
The Food Insecurity Task Force of AMOS (formally known at the Hunger Task force of AMOS) will hold
their monthly meeting on Tuesday July 7th at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall of OSLC. We will be reviewing the ideas of Monique Hooker and discussing the “Share the Bounty” program.
This meeting is open to anyone interested in helping with food concerns in the community.
Fashion Cornucopia Saturday, Oct. 10th
June 23, 2009
Filed under Fundraiser, Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries, Women's Clothes Closet
Fashion Cornucopia 2009 will be Saturday, October 10th. We will have two great shows of fall & winter fashions along with an exquisite meal prepared by our own CFS Team (and served by the handsome OSLC Men’s Club). This show is a fundraiser to help meet on-going expenses and to increase exposure and donations for the Women’s Clothes Closet.
Please contact the WCC if you are interested in volunteering.
Our Savior’s Participating in AMOS Share the Bounty Program
June 23, 2009
Filed under AMOS, Ministries, Social Ministries
“Share the Bounty” is a program being sponsored by the Food Insecurity Task Force of AMOS. The idea for the program is for La Crosse area residents to share their “extra” produce and/or to plant more produce to share with those residents who do not have the opportunity to raise their own fresh food.
Drop-off sites have tentatively been established, with details to follow (OSLC will be a drop-off site on Tuesdays from 1-6 pm). In the meantime, plan on sharing your extra produce, or better yet, plant a little more and receive great joy in sharing with your fellow residents the wholesomeness of fresh food.
Come For Supper Inspiring New Meal Sites
June 23, 2009
Filed under Come For Supper, Ministries, Social Ministries
The Come For Supper Program at Our Savior’s has been honored by having not only one but two NEW meal sites named after them!
St. Peter’s Evangelical in Prairie Du Chien has started serving meals the third Thursday of the month. Their first meal served 40 guest and their second served 85! Because they have had overwhelming support of donations and volunteers, they are planning on serving every Thursday night in the near future.
Living Hope Lutheran in Ettrick will be serving their Come For Supper meal on the third Sunday of the month. Their first meal was in June.
Please join the OSLC Come For Supper Team as we wish them great success in enriching the lives of the people who live in their communities.