WELCA Meets on September 17th

August 26, 2009  
Filed under Ministries, WELCA

WELCA will meet on Thursday, September 17th at 1:30 p.m. Our program will be by Pastor Mark on Norwegian Reflections.

Servers are Sonja Schragg, Pearl Campbell, Bonnie Powell, Ervina Spika, Donna Engelson, Anna Duresky, Elverda Guberud. Contributing Members are Martha Stuckey, Judy Sasse, and June Peterson.

Hope to see you all there!

Confirmation Orientation September 9th

August 22, 2009  
Filed under Confirmation, Education

On Wednesday, September 9th, there will be a start-up meeting with all new Confirmation students and parents. Any new confirmands, 3rd grade and any older grade, with parents/guardians will meet at 6:30 pm.
All 10th graders and parents/guardians will meet at 7:15 pm. This will include all First Communion students 3rd grade and older, and any other students between 3rd and 9th grade who wish to join our program. All high schoolers and interested parents/guardians will meet at 8:00 pm to hear about the 2010 Summer Mission Trip.

For returning students, a parent/child meeting will begin each session. The yearly schedule will be mailed to all at the beginning of September.

Our First Communion sessions start on Wed. September 16th, 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm, and the Sacrament will
be received on All Saints Sunday, November 1st. Anyone third grade and older who is not yet receiving
Holy Communion is invited to come to these confirmation classes.

Music Coordinator/Choir Director Job Description Available

August 22, 2009  
Filed under Choir, Worship

Our Savior’s is currently seeking applicants for a Music Coordinator/Choir Director. View a copy of the job description here. Interested applicants should send a letter of application and resume to Pastor Jolivette.

Ice Cream Social for CFS on August 19th

August 7, 2009  
Filed under Come For Supper, Fundraiser, Ministries, Social Ministries

Come and enjoy ice cream, cookies and coffee on August 19th from 6-8 pm at Our Saviors. Music will be provided by Sunnyside, and all proceeds will go to Come For Supper. For information contact Barb E. Seidel, Barb Clark or Loie Burch.

All are welcome.

Pastor Mark is Retiring From Naval Duty

July 31, 2009  
Filed under Uncategorized

All are invited to join Bishop Arends in a service of thanksgiving for Pastor Mark’s 30 years as a U. S. Navy chaplain, followed by his official retirement ceremony. This event is at 1 p.m. Saturday August 29th in our sanctuary. Invite congregation members and friends from the community. Reception follows.

Book Club Meets on August 11th

July 31, 2009  
Filed under Book Club

The OSLC Book Club will meet at 6:30 on Tuesday, August 11th in the Fellowship Hall. We will discuss the book The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. All are welcome!

We will meet in September to discuss The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon. Christopher Boone is the autistic 15-year-old narrator of this revelatory novel. When his neighbor’s poodle is killed and Christopher is falsely accused of the crime, he decides that he will take a page from Sherlock Holmes (one of his favorite characters) and track down the killer. The result is an eye-opening work in a unique and compelling literary voice. Please contact Sandra Hansen if you would like a public library copy of this book.

WCC’s Fashion Cornucopia Tickets Available Now

The Women’s Clothes Closet will be holding its annual “Fashion Cornucopia” Style Show on Saturday, October 10th at Our Savior’s Lutheran in La Crosse. There will be two seatings this year for the style show and gourmet meal. Doors will open for the first show at 11:00 and at 5:00 for the second show. The style show will feature fashions from downtown merchants including Chic Boutique on Main, City- Wear, Dale’s for Men and Women, Funk, Kick on Main, Lillian’s of La Crosse, Scott Joseph Menswear, Three Rivers Outdoor, and Touch of Class. New this year will be fashions for your man! The event will include a gourmet meal, wine for purchase and tours of the Women’s Clothes Closet before and after the style show. Josh and Kim Shively and Company will provide live music for the show.

Tickets are on sale now for $25 and sold in advance only. Contact Our Saviors Lutheran Church and get your ticket today! Payment for tickets should be made out to the Women’s Clothes Closet and sent to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 612 Division Street, La Crosse, WI 54601. All proceeds will benefit the Women’s Clothes Closet.

Through generous donations from the community, the Women’s Clothes Closet provides gently used clothing to low income women targeting those who are entering or in the work force. In 2008 the WCC had 1689 client contacts serving 525 different women in the Coulee Region. This was a 28% increase in client contacts compared to 2007! Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to help pay the WCC coordinator, purchase personal products for our participants or improve our facility.

Please join us for this entertaining event and benefit for a good cause! Questions can be directed to Our
Savior’s Lutheran Church
or Deb Daehn Zellmer

OSLC to Host Pride Table at 8th Annual La Crosse Pride Festival

July 29, 2009  
Filed under Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries

In August, Our Savior’s will be one of the exhibitors at the 8th Annual La Crosse Pride Festival held at the Southside Oktoberfest Grounds. La Crosse Pride seeks to educate, celebrate and embrace diversity and talents of ALL people in the Seven Rivers Region. The purpose of this event it to build bridges and develop a community in which ALL individuals are accepted and treated equally.

If you would like to volunteer at the OSLC table and share in this “bridge building”, please contact Rod Tisthammer.

LWR School Kits Available August 1st

July 29, 2009  
Filed under Ministries, Social Ministries

According to Lutheran World Relief, “A school kit may provide the only supplies for children returning to school after the disruption of war. School kits help parents continue their children’s education, even while living in a refugee camp, for example. A school kit may also be used in adult literacy classes.”

On Sunday, August 1st, school bags for the kits will be available in the Narthex. Each kit should include the following:

  • padded or spiral notebooks of ruled paper approximately 8” x10 ½ totaling 150-200 sheets (or three 70 count notebooks – please no loose paper)
  • one blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well)
  • one 30 centimeter ruler (or centimeters on one side, inches on the other)
  • one pencil sharpener
  • six new, unsharpened #2 pencil w/erasers – secured w/rubber band
  • one eraser approximately 2 ½ inches long
  • one box of 16 or 24 count crayons

ALL items should be new. LWR has asked NOT to include items with any religious or military symbols, any
items w/reference to the armed forces or anything w/camouflage. LWR and their partners have access to
areas of the world others do not because they are impartial humanitarian organizations. Religious or military references could be misinterpreted by the governments of the receiving countries, jeopardizing the delivery to the people who need the items the most.

School kits are due back on Sunday, October 4th.

Dorcas Meeting August 5th

July 29, 2009  
Filed under Dorcas, Ministries

Dorcas will be meeting on August 5th at 7 pm. We are always hoping for new faces to join our members.

Please come to a meeting and check us out!

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