November’s Book Club Selection: A Thousand Splendid Suns

October 23, 2009  
Filed under Book Club, Uncategorized

Our Savior’s November Book Club selection is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

Hosseini’s compassionate storytelling and his sense of personal and national tragedy are woven into this tale of two women that is weighted equally with despair and grave hope. This is a riveting story—an in-depth exploration of Afghan society in the three decades of anti-Soviet jihad, civil war and Taliban cruelty.

Please let Sandra Hansen know if you would like to purchase a book for $12. Copies are also available at the public library. All are welcome to join us in the Fellowship Hall on Monday, November 30th at 6:30 to talk about this eye-opening, and sometimes jaw-dropping story.

Homecoming 2009 is November 1st!

October 9, 2009  
Filed under Worship

All members, former members & friends are invited to join in this joyous celebration!

Homecoming Schedule:

8:00 am Reunion Choir

9:00 am Festival Worship with guest Pastor Charles Coon
11:15 am Potluck Meal

AMOS Meeting October 6th

October 4, 2009  
Filed under AMOS, Ministries, Social Ministries

The Food Insecurity Task Force of AMOS (formally known at the Hunger Task force of AMOS) will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall of Our Savior’s. We will be discussing a possible organic/natural food banquet and a forum involving area “food issue” groups.

This meeting is open to anyone interested in helping with food concerns in the community. Please join us!

AMOS Hosting Harvest Dinner at Our Savior’s

September 29, 2009  
Filed under AMOS, Ministries, Social Ministries

AMOS will celebrate its 2nd anniversary with a Harvest of Justice Advocacy on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at Our Savior’s. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and will feature a harvest theme dinner, skits, and music. ELCA Bishop Jim Ahrens will be the featured speaker.

Tickets are $20. Contact Amos representatives Sonja Simonson Schrag or Rod Tisthammer if interested.

Volunteers Still Needed for Heritage Night

September 25, 2009  
Filed under Come For Supper, Fundraiser, Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries

The Annual Oktoberfest USA Heritage Night is on Wednesday September 30th, and OSLC will be serving Norwegian Lefse Wraps (meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy wrapped up in a lefse) and pieces
of lefse with butter and/or sugar.

Please come and help support your church! The proceeds will go to the Come For Supper program to help fund on-going food purchases and supplies. Volunteers are still needed. Open shift between 4-6:30 pm.

Contact Rod Tisthammer for more details.

Two Our Savior’s Members Chosen for Peru Delegation

September 25, 2009  
Filed under Uncategorized

Our next delegation to our companion synod in Peru has been chosen, and two of the seven synod members come from our congregation!

Congratulations, Andy Stutesman and Dan Lintin. You will serve us well, and have many stories and opportunities to share with us after your return next year. We lift you up on your selections!

Boy Scouts Meatball Supper on October 24th

September 25, 2009  
Filed under Uncategorized

Boy Scout Troop 13 will be having its annual Supper on October 24th, 2009. Tickets will be available on October 11th during Coffee Fellowship. Boy Scouts are serving that day.

Save the date!

Sunday School/Confirmation Registration Now Open

September 14, 2009  
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School, Uncategorized

Registration is now open for Our Savior’s Sunday School and Confirmation. Pick up a registration form on the first day of class, or download a registration form here.

Inmate Re-Entry Program Needs Volunteers

September 11, 2009  
Filed under Get Involved

Circles of Support, a re-entry program for people being released from jail, was started this year by Amos, a coalition of local congregations and social service agencies. We are seeking more volunteers for this fall’s circles and are holding an informational session at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21, at Roncalli Newman Center, 1732 State St., La Crosse.

Please join us if you are interested in volunteering or just finding out more!

Music Coordinator/Choir Director Applications Due Sep 21st

September 3, 2009  
Filed under Choir, Worship

Applications for Music Coordinator/Choir Director will be accepted until September 21st.

Interested in applying? Download a copy of the Music Coordinator/Choir Director Job Description.

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