Mobile Meals Needs Drivers

December 29, 2009  
Filed under Get Involved, Ministries, Mobile Meals, Social Ministries

Our Savior’s is responsible for delivering meals to inbound residents in our area four times a year. The months are March, June, August and September. We are currently in need of drivers (and back-up drivers) for deliveries.

The pick-ups are at Gundersen Lutheran Hospital and drivers need to arrive by 11:30 a.m. on delivery day. You may volunteer for one or more days during that week.

To volunteer or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Betty Linse. Thank you!

RIC Sunday is January 31st

December 29, 2009  
Filed under Uncategorized

Along with many other RIC congregations across the nation, on Sunday, January 31st we will be reaffirming our commitment as a Reconciling In Christ Congregation.

With a big thank you to Pastor Mark, Pastor Libby Howe (who is the Assistant to the Bishop in our synod and an OSLC member) will be speaking to us on this special day. We will also have a couple of “temple talks” about the positive effects of RIC and OSLC. Also, we may be learning a new song or two. Please mark this date on your calendars and plan on attending this inspirational Sunday!

Double Your Women’s Clothes Closet Donation!

December 26, 2009  
Filed under Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries, Women's Clothes Closet

The Women’s Clothes Closet has received a $5000 Economic Outreach Bridge Grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Congratulations!

The WCC also received an Economic Bridge Challenge Grant. Any funds raised for the WCC between now and March 31st will be met dollar for dollar from Thrivent up to $10,000. This is a great opportunity for the Women’s Clothes Closet to purchase some much-needed supplies!

Donations can be sent to The Women’s Clothes Closet, Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 612 Division Street, La Crosse, WI 54601.

A Special Christmas Message from Bishop Hanson

December 16, 2009  
Filed under Worship

Bishop Mark Hanson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, has written a special Christmas message for 2009. Download Bishop Hanson’s Christmas Letter or watch the video:

Music Coordinator/Choir Director Position Still Open

November 20, 2009  
Filed under Choir, Worship

Applications for Music Coordinator/Choir Director are still being accepted until the position is filled.

Interested applicants can download a copy of the Music Coordinator/Choir Director Job Description.

Christmas Caroling on December 19th

November 20, 2009  
Filed under Get Involved

Our Savior’s will be caroling Saturday, December 19th to our home bound members and we want YOU, and your family and friends to join us. We will meet at church at 3 pm and caravan.

Join us for pizza and pop back at the church afterwards (around 5 pm).

Sunday School Christmas Program December 13th

November 20, 2009  
Filed under Education, Sunday School

On Sunday, December 13, the Sunday school children will perform our Christmas Program, “The Nativity”. Our schedule is as follows:

8:30 am: Rehearsal/Costumes-SS Gathering Room
9:00 am: Children sing in worship-Sanctuary
9:30 am: Dress Rehearsal-Fellowship Hall
After Worship: Christmas Program-Fellowship Hall
After Christmas Program: Potluck-Fellowship Hall

There will be a potluck dinner for all after the Christmas Program in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a dish to pass.

* There will be no Adult Education or Nursery Services available during the Christmas Program.

* There will be no Sunday school Dec. 20th – Jan 3rd. Enjoy your Christmas Break with family and friends and we will see you again in the new year, (Sunday January 10, 2010) for our next rotation: The Widow’s Mite.

Dorcas Christmas Party on December 2nd

November 20, 2009  
Filed under Dorcas, Ministries, Uncategorized

Join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday for a meal, fellowship and gift exchange. Please bring a gift ($5 price range) for our exchange.

WELCA Christmas Luncheon Thursday, December 3rd

November 20, 2009  
Filed under Ministries, WELCA

Seating starts at 11:30 am, with lunch at 12 Noon.

Our menu:

roast beef
mashed potatoes & gravy
buttered carrots
lettuce & dressing
dinner rolls
veggies & dip
cookies for dessert

Tickets are $8. Dixie Forsberg will be our entertainment. We hope to see you all there. Merry Christmas!

Order a Christmas Poinsettia by December 1st

November 18, 2009  
Filed under Uncategorized

Christmas is just around the corner and it is time to order poinsettias for our Christmas worship services. If you wish to order a plant, please fill out the poinsettia order form and return it to the Church office with a check made payable to “Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.” The deadline for ordering is Tuesday, December 1st.

Any questions, please contact the Church office. Thank you!

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