WELCA Meeting March 18th

February 23, 2010  
Filed under Ministries, WELCA

WELCA will meet on Thursday, March 18th at 1:30 p.m. Nick Grunseth, meteorologist from WXOW Channel 19, will be presenting our program.

Our servers will be Jean Swartz, Delores Mickelson, Dorothy Pierce, Connie Garson, Margaret Turner & Edna Larson. Contributing Members are Ella Duellman & Jeanette Neidercorn. All are welcome!

Share The Bounty With AMOS This Spring

February 12, 2010  
Filed under AMOS, Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries

The Food Insecurity Task Force of AMOS is starting a new program called “Share the Bounty.” As we wait for the planting season to begin, we ask that you think about sowing extra seeds or setting out extra plants in order to share the harvest with others and make the Coulee Region a healthier place.

Collection sites and distribution will be facilitated by the Hunger Task Force and WAFER (details will be released at a later date). If you’re not a gardener, you still may take part in this project by purchasing produce at the local farmer’s markets and contributing those items to the program (and more on that later, as well). Please consider sharing your bounty this year!

If you have questions about the program, please contact Sonja Simonson Schrag or Rod Tisthammer.

Learn to Make Lefse on February 26-27

February 5, 2010  
Filed under Uncategorized

learn to make lefse

Due to popular demand, we’re having another lefse making event! We will gather Fri. Feb 26th at 7 pm to prepare and rice the potatoes, and we’ll reconvene Sat. Feb 27th at 10 am to roll out and make the lefse. To truly learn how to make lefse, you should be present at both sessions.

All ingredients will be provided, and if you have lefse making equipment, please bring it! A free will offering will be taken. For safety, we ask that this event be limited to adults and youth, excluding small children. All youth should be accompanied by an adult.

Any questions, please contact Stefanie VanZee.

Mobile Meals Drivers Needed in March

January 27, 2010  
Filed under Ministries, Mobile Meals, Social Ministries

OSLC is responsible for delivering hot nutritious meals to residents in our area four times a year. Our first week is coming up in March. We are currently in need of drivers (and back-up drivers) for these deliveries.

Pick-up time is 11:30 a.m. at Gundersen/Lutheran and delivery takes about one hour. You may volunteer for one day or several during that week. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to volunteer, please contact Betty Linse. This is a great way to get involved in the community!

LWR Health Kits Available Feb. 14th

January 27, 2010  
Filed under Get Involved, Ministries, Social Ministries

Lutheran World Relief Health Kits will be available in the Narthex on February 14th. All you need to do is pick up a plastic bag and fill it with the items listed on the sheet inside. Items include:

  • hand towel
  • wash cloth
  • a bath size soap bar in its original wrapping
  • six Band Aids (½” to ¾”) held together with a rubber band
  • a metal nail file (or nail clippers w/a file attached)
  • toothbrush in its original packaging

Once again, toothpaste will NOT be included in the health kits this year. The completed health kits can be returned to the black cart located in the Narthex.

Please have the health kits back by Sunday March 28th (Palm Sunday). Thank you!

Spaghetti Dinner for WCC on February 14th

On Sunday February 14th, the Come For Supper Team will be holding a spaghetti and meatball supper from 4 pm to 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall here at OSLC.

The spaghetti meal is free; a free-will offering will be taken to benefit the Women’s Clothes Closet. Contact the Social Ministry Team with questions or if you would like to help out. All are welcome!

Toys Needed for Nursery

January 27, 2010  
Filed under Nursery, Worship

Our nursery is in need of gently used toys! Would you consider donating “gently-used” toys your children no longer use? Examples of items needed include:

  • dolls of all sizes and ethnicities
  • trucks and cars
  • Bible story books
  • wooden puzzles, especially things found in creation (animals, trees, people, etc.)
  • “Fisher-Price” Little People: Noah’s Ark, Zoo and Nativity
  • board games
  • Home Living toys

Please, we do not need any stuffed animals or toys that are “character-related”, such as Mickey Mouse, Dora the Explorer, etc.

Drop off  items in the marked box in the nursery or at the church office during regular business hours. Contact the Family and Youth Team with questions. Thank you!

Ski With the Men’s Group on February 21st

January 27, 2010  
Filed under Men's Group

The Men’s Group will be having an afternoon Ski Outing at Mount La Crosse on Sunday, February 21 from 2-7pm. In order to get the group discount we are opening up the outing to anyone in the congregation that would like to join us. The cost is $23 for the ski package and $33 for the snow board package. This covers the lift ticket, equipment rental, a free lesson for anyone 10 and up, and a hot dog dinner. If you have your own equipment the cost is $17.

Deadline for registration is February 14th. Please let Mikel Hampel know if you will be attending.

Lenten Service Schedule

January 27, 2010  
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Worship

Ash Wednesday (February 17th) and the five weeks of the Lenten season will soon be here. This year we
are going to use the Holden Evening Prayer service and will be having our services in the Fellowship Hall.

Soup suppers will again be offered on the 5 “between” weeks. Supper will be served from 6:00 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. (no later) in the Fellowship Hall and worship will begin at 7:00 p.m.

We will be kneeling for communion services during the Lenten season and Holy Week. It’s not too early for confirmation students to sign up for acolyting on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. The sign-up sheets are on the confirmation bulletin board. Worship Assistant sign-up sheets through Easter have been posted on the bulletin board near Pastor’s office.

Dorcas Potluck February 3rd

January 27, 2010  
Filed under Dorcas, Ministries

Dorcas Society will meet on Wednesday, February 3rd at 6:30pm (note time) for a potluck!

Besides a dish to share, we hope you bring ideas for the new year to discuss at our meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone. Come join us!

Dorcas Board

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