Dorcas Meeting April 7th
March 24, 2010
Filed under Dorcas, Ministries
Lois Losby will be sharing examples and giving a demonstration on how to assemble felted mittens at the April Dorcas meeting. We will be meeting on April 7th at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome – join us for the evening and bring a friend!
SonWorld Adventure Vacation Bible School 2010
March 23, 2010
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School
Join Our Savior’s for Vacation Bible School on August 8-12th, 2010. Based on Joshua 24:15, SonWorld Adventure Park VBS is where we will discover that Jesus is the ticket to the best ride of our lives. But hold on to your hats, because it’s sure to be a life-changing ride!
This year’s VBS will be inter-generational (involving adults and youth of all ages) with special age-appropriate break-outs, including one for adults. Plan ahead and set aside August 8-12, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. We will share supper together every evening. Register with Jessica today!
We also need lots of adult and youth helpers to make this a great event…so contact Jessica or the Family and Youth Team today to see how you can help out in the kitchen, playing games, leading a Bible study, or just by participating!
Youth Helpers Needed For Palm Sunday Breakfast
March 19, 2010
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Fundraiser, Get Involved, Sunday School
Sunday, March 28th, is the Annual Youth Palm Sunday Breakfast and we need YOU to help make it a success. Come Saturday, March 27th, at 10:00 am to the Fellowship Hall to help set-up for the breakfast on Sunday. The 7th, 8th, and 9th graders help serve before the service from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th graders and high school students help serve after the service.
This is an easy way to earn service electives, help the church, have a lot of fun and with everybody’s contribution help make this a successful fundraiser. All of the money that is raised goes directly back into youth programs here at OSLC. Don’t forget to invite your friends, family and neighbors for breakfast. We serve from 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 10:00-11:30 a.m. If you have any questions please contact Jessica Zinniel or the Family and Youth Team.
Palm Sunday Breakfast on March 28th
March 12, 2010
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Fundraiser, Sunday School
On Sunday, March 28th, the youth will be hosting their annual Palm Sunday Breakfast from 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 10:00-11:30 a.m. We will be offering an egg bake casserole, sausages, fruit cocktail, muffins, juice, milk and coffee. The cost will be a freewill offering.
This event is a fund raiser for youth events throughout the year, including the youth mission trip this summer to Steubenville, Ohio. Donations needed are:
- 10 lbs. of butter
- 8 gallons of orange juice
- 5 bottles of sugar free syrup
- 4 gallons of milk
- 4 gallons of chocolate milk
- Monetary donations for egg bake and sausages
There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for those who would like to donate. Please have all donations to the church by Saturday, March 27th, 10:00 a.m. There will be a labeled “Youth Breakfast” box in the refrigerator and on the counter in the kitchen for donated supplies. Contact Jessica Zinniel or the Family and Youth Team to volunteer to help, donate needed supplies or for more information. Thank you for supporting our youth!
Butter Braids On Sale Now
March 12, 2010
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Fundraiser, Sunday School, Uncategorized
Time for the Spring Butter Braid Sale! The Youth of OSLC will be taking orders for those delicious fruit-filled pastries on March 14th and March 21st. The pastries are $11 each and come in eight mouth-watering flavors:
- Apple
- Bavarian Crème with chocolate icing
- Blueberry & Cream Cheese
- Caramel Roll
- Cherry
- Cinnamon
- Cream Cheese
- Raspberry
Butter Braid delivery will be on Sunday, March 28th after worship in the Fellowship Hall – just in time for Easter! Check the display in the Fellowship Hall for more information or contact the Family and Youth Team.
Time To Register For Sugar Creek Bible Camp
March 5, 2010
Filed under Confirmation, Education, Sunday School
Summer registration for Sugar Creek Bible Camp is now open! Once again, Our Savior’s will provide half of the camp registration cost as a “campership” to our members. This year’s Sugar Creek camperships are worth up to $160!
Bible Camp is not just for kids! Sugar Creek hosts many special family events as well. Family camps also are eligible for a half-price campership. There are Sugar Creek brochures available on the narthex table, or on the Sugar Creek Bible Camp website. See you at camp!
Double Your Women’s Clothes Closet Donations in March
February 26, 2010
Filed under Fundraiser, Ministries, Social Ministries, Women's Clothes Closet
There is still time to double your donation! The Women’s Clothes Closet is currently raising money for a “challenge” grant from Thrivent Financial. With this grant, any money donated or raised (from now until March 31st) for the WCC will be matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000!
Every Sunday morning in March, there will be a change jar located in the Narthex area if anyone would like to donate loose change. Thanks to everyone for their support!
Order Your Easter Flowers Now
February 24, 2010
Filed under Uncategorized
Easter is fast approaching and it’s time to place your order for Easter flowers. Order forms are available in the March Messenger.
The deadline for ordering Easter flowers is Sunday, March 7th. If you have any questions, please contact Laura at the church office. Thank you!
March Book Club Selection: The Lost Symbol
February 24, 2010
Filed under Book Club
Our March book is The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, at the U.S. Capitol Building to deliver a lecture, is drawn into a desperate search through the hidden tunnels and temples of Washington, D.C., when his mentor Peter Solomon, a prominent Mason and philanthropist, is kidnapped and the only clue to Solomon’s whereabouts lies in an ancient invitation to a long-lost world of esoteric wisdom.
We will also view a DVD of the program aired on the Discovery Channel to learn more about the Freemasons. Our book discussion will take place on Thursday, March 25th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome!
Wine and Cheese Open House For WCC on March 27th
February 24, 2010
Filed under Fundraiser, Ministries, Social Ministries, Women's Clothes Closet
The Women’s Clothes Closet cordially invites you to a Wine and Cheese Open House at the historic Holway House on Saturday, March 27th from 4:00 PM -7:00 pm.
Hosted by Mrs. Jane Wood, all proceeds from the event will benefit the Women’s Clothes Closet. Suggested minimum donation is $25 per person. Matching funds provided by a challenge grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Please contact the Women’s Clothes Closet to RSVP. Thank you!