Rally Sunday 2011 is September 18th
September 1, 2011
Summer may be winding down and we will soon be living “Back to School”, but there’s also ANOTHER great “Back to…” that occurs this time each year. “BACK-TO-CHURCH … SUNDAY SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION/YOUTH GROUP”.
For many of you this is no “Back to… ” at all. You never miss a Sunday. But for many of us, this is kind of a “New Year” with hopeful resolutions for a shift back into “The Spiritual Lane.” For some children, youth, and adults this might even be a FIRST TIME to encounter the “good stuff” church has to offer. Whatever your situation … WELCOME! Our doors and hearts are OPEN! Please “make yourselves at home”. You’ll be glad you did!
Please join us Sunday, September 18th for Rally Sunday. This will be a time to register for Sunday School and Confirmation, meet the teachers/leaders and participate in a fun activity. Registration will be held in the Fellowship Hall, after worship. We do not have a registration fee for Sunday School/Confirmation/Youth Group, but have a “Gathering Supplies Tree” for needed items. Come take a look Rally Sunday at the “leaves” and see where you might be able to help out, sign up to bring a snack, or chaperone.
If you have a question or concern, please feel free to contact Jessica. Welcome back!