Adult Education Begins September 19th
September 2, 2010
Bring your cup of coffee up to the Choir Room at 10:30 am beginning on Sunday morning September 19th. That day our special guest is Rev. Libby Howe, one of our members and Assistant to our Bishop. Pr. Howe has specific responsibilities with evangelism, stewardship and the development of new ministries, and she does it with joy and enthusiasm. Come that day to ask questions and learn more about how we share our faith together in the ELCA.
Most of this year, we will be doing month-long discussions on distinct topics. We begin on September 26th on into October hearing about the seven Bible passages which seem to condemn homosexuality, and how we have learn to understand, interpret them, and live with them as a Reconciling in Christ community. Or, put another way, we will talk about “What does the Bible say about being gay?”
Please join us!