Butter Braids on Sale Sunday March 20th
February 26, 2011
Back by popular demand, the youth of OSLC will be taking orders for those delicious fruit-filled pastries starting Sunday, March 20th. The pastries are $11 each and come in eight mouth-watering flavors: Apple, Bavarian Crème with Chocolate Icing, Blueberry & Cream Cheese, Caramel Roll, Cherry, Cinnamon, Cream Cheese, and Raspberry. They come frozen and you thaw and bake them at home.
We will be taking orders until Sunday, April 3rd and delivery of the pastries will be on Sunday, April 17th, after worship in the Fellowship Hall…just in time for your special Easter gatherings! Watch for the display in the Fellowship Hall for more information and to order or contact Jessica Zinniel. All funds raised go towards youth events through out the year, including the youth mission trips this summer!