New Choices For Thrivent Members
September 10, 2010
Most of us think of Thrivent Insurance for Lutherans not only as an insurance company, bank and mutual fund broker, but as the source of grants supporting our church and other Lutheran non-profit ventures. Events like our WELCA Rummage sales, our Youth Palm Sunday breakfasts and our Women’s Clothes Closet Fashion Show have received matching funds in recent years from Thrivent. That funding has now come to an end.
Funds are now provided to insurance holders as a give-back of a portion of their premiums. Most Thrivent policy holders should have received a letter with an explanation inviting you to contact Thrivent with your choice for allocation of individual funds. For Our Savior’s to replace the previous grant sources, our Thrivent members will need to contact Thrivent to designate your giving to go to our church. You can do that now.
Go to the Thrivent Website to find a clear explanation of your options, or view the Thrivent Choice Brochure. Of course, you are free not only to choose OSLC, but to give elsewhere to Sugar Creek Bible Camp, a Lutheran College or other Lutheran agencies. Just do it now!