Worship is offered in-person Sundays, 9:30 am & Wednesdays, 12 noon & 6:30pm.
The 9:30 am Sunday services will also be live-streamed at oursaviorslutheranchurch.net/live-stream
and broadcast via the telephone at 1-877-552-3468 (toll-free).

Welcome to Our Savior's Lutheran Church

All are welcome in this church! The Good News of God’s grace is for all, regardless of age, abilities, physical and mental health, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, income, or strength of faith. There is nothing we do, have done, or will do that can separate us from the love of God. God makes no exceptions, nor do we. Come join us in praise, prayer, and the work of our Lord, including ongoing work for racial equity in our Church and in the world.

Upcoming Events